SCCAN: The power of film and storytelling in the movement for environmental and climate justice

This event brings together four international film makers who are focused on storytelling through the medium of film. They use their craft to convey the stories of citizens, indigenous people and environmental defenders around the world, who are fighting for justice for humanity and the planet that we depend on for life, in the face of the global climate and ecological emergency.
They will talk about their filmmaking careers in the environment and human rights sphere, reflecting on the changes they are witnessing through the lens, in meeting those fighting on the environmental frontlines, defending the earth and the awakening of global citizens to the most urgent challenge of modern times. They will discuss and share learnings about the impacts that film can make and how we can engage ourselves in storytelling, as we collectively weave our way through trying to build a movement and change.
This FREE event will be online, through a Zoom connection and it will be jointly hosted by Not1More and SCCAN: Scottish Communities Climate Action Network. Please sign up on eventbrite to receive a Zoom invitation.