What we do
N1M is a defenders network that connects at-risk activists with support. Building from the frontline we create conferences, safety and psycho-social support, legal action, and emergency responses that care for the whole person. N1M works in the UK, Cambodia, Guinea-Bissau and Brazil.

Spotlight: UK
Not1More in the UK aims to investigate and understand how the “chilling effect” is In the UK, Not1More investigates how the “chilling effect” is undermining the right to protest. We have connected with grassroots defenders through reporting and documentary, ensuring that their voices are heard by both the public and policy makers. We aim to build resilience within communities who are being put at risk by increasingly restricted civic space through connecting activists with legal expertise, resources and holding community-building events.

Book: Protest Injunctions Toolkit
Not1More has developed a toolkit for protestors, campaigners and local people who may be affected by Injunctions. Individuals and communities can use this resource to better understand the risks they face when protesting whilst there is an injunction in place.

Event: SCCAN: The power of film and storytelling in the movement for environmental and climate justice
This FREE event will be online, through a Zoom connection and it will be jointly hosted by Not1More and SCCAN: Scottish Communities Climate Action Network. This event brings together four international film makers who tell the stories of citizens, indigenous people and environmental defenders around the world.

Event: SCCAN Irvine: Environmental climate & human rights justice meets global solidarity
28th March 2024 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Scottish Maritime Museum, Linthouse building, Irvine, KA12 8BT
Come join us as we explore the intersection of environmental climate, human rights justice, and global solidarity.

Event: SCCAN: Environmental climate & human rights justice meets global solidarity
29th March 2024, 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm
‘Narture’ Studios: 34 Newmarket St, Ayr, KA7 1LP
A discussion hosted by SCCAN and Narture on how environmental climate and human rights intersect with global solidarity.
Mapping the ‘violence footprint’ of UK-listed companies and their operations in Cambodia
Project: Mapping the ‘violence footprint’ of UK-listed companies and their operations in Cambodia
SSRP-funded project investigating how UK companies’ activities relate to violence toward environmental defenders in Cambodia, and the impact on global efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Spotlight: Guinea Bissau
The defender-led group Nô Recursos Our Resources) works in partnership with Not1More in Guinea-Bissau. The major focus for Nô Recursos and environmental defenders in the country is preventing illegal logging.

Spotlight: Cambodia
Our network in Cambodia works closely with local communities and frontline defenders to conduct public advocacy campaigns, media production, and youth network building for democratic freedoms and environmental protection in Cambodia.

Book: International Human Rights Mechanisms: Defenders Handbook
This booklet is an overview of various international mechanisms for protecting human rights. Many of these processes can be used by people who don’t have any legal training. Individuals and communities seeking resolutions or justice for human rights issues can use this resource to understand the options available and how to apply them.
Thank you
We would like to thank the many incredible people across the world fighting to protect human rights and the environment. Our gratitude goes in particular to our partner organisations – Instituto Zé Claudio e Maria, Cambodian Youth Network and Our Resources – and our volunteers and funders, for their invaluable work and support.