SCCAN Irvine: Environmental climate & human rights justice meets global solidarity

Come join us as we explore the intersection of environmental climate, human rights justice, and global solidarity on March 28th at 6:30 PM! Hosted by SCCAN: Scottish Communities Climate Action Network at the Scottish Maritime Museum in Irvine.
Not1More, is an organisation based in the UK, with a co-founder from and living in Ayrshire. We work with people and environments, on the frontlines of our ecological and climate breakdown. Please feel welcome to join us and learn about the amazing work of our partners in this global fight for our future.
Meeting Date: Thursday 28th March 2024 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Location: Scottish Maritime Museum, Linthouse building, Irvine, KA12 8BT
This event is FREE, please book a spot on eventbrite.
Refreshments are available at the event. For further information: